The website is Kalmar’s Ottawa most important digital channel, and as you may have already noticed, it now has a new, sharp design and structure. 

“We at Kalmar Ottawa want to provide our customers with the best possible service and support - online and offline. The aim of this project has been to improve customer engagement and interaction on our website through easy navigation, a simplified menu and design, and more customer focused content,” says Doug Queen at Kalmar Ottawa.

What’s new

Visitors will notice the change as soon as the page loads. 

They will see the video background on the home page, the new navigation, the new mosaic menus, and in the sidebar, the new pop-up contact us form that will provide the opportunity to contact Kalmar Ottawa on any given page. 

Kalmar Ottawa has responded to customer feedback by offering the visitors two alternative navigation options to find the path to the correct page: a traditional top-down list menu and a more visualized one utilizing highlighted blocks.

“Since the website is an important digital gateway for communications between Kalmar Ottawa and its current – and future – customers, it is also important that the new site can better enable interaction and faster response times to customer inquiries,” Doug Queen at Kalmar Ottawa.

Feedback welcomed

“I’m very proud of the team’s work, and we’re all very excited to hear what our customers think of it,” Queen says.


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